平面设计师佐佐木俊的工作法:不加班,也不拖延 The working method of Japanese talented graphic designer Shun Sasaki

强烈的色块拼接,不受束缚的造形表现,通过作品,我们所勾画的佐佐木俊就是一个生来反叛的涩谷小子的形象,经过半年的纪录片拍摄,我们又了解到了实际上佐佐木是一个 “不饮酒,不加班,健康第一” 的人,虽然一直被称作为天才设计师,真实的佐佐木又是一个怎样的工作状态呢,本纪录片将为你们展现出这个外形像成年旺仔一般的30岁大男孩的另一面。
With the intense color blocking and the unrestrained shape expression, we draw the image of Sasaki as a rebellious Shibuya boy through the work. However, after half a year of documentary shooting, we learned that Sasaki is a "no alcohol, no overtime, health first" person. Though he has always been called a genius designer, what is the real Sasaki like at work? This documentary will show you a different side of this 30-year-old designer.

JAGDA史上最年轻新人赏得主小林一毅带你体验百年资生堂美学 The youngest JAGDA New Designer Award Winner Ikki Kobayashi

Ikki Kobayashi, born in 1992, won the TDC Award from Tokyo TDC (Tokyo Type Directors Club) for his graduation design ''Kuso Shoso Homotsuzu''. A few years later, at the age of 27, Kobayashi won the JAGDA New Designer Award for his work ''Heiseha Konna Monchou''. In the same year, he resigned from Shiseido and became an independent designer. Furthermore, from April this year, Ikki Kobayashi began to teach introductory courses in visual design at the Joshibi University of Art and Design. Therefore, we chose this particular period before his 30 years old to record this young talented designer.